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WTB G180W Engine

Posted: 31 Jul 2007, 21:55
by Belly 1
Looking at building a Rally car
Did the Twin cam ever come with Carbs instead of injection.

Posted: 02 Aug 2007, 02:14
by archangel62
Yep, some had twin carbys, like early twincams in Belletts etc. Have a look around the site, particularly in members rides.

Posted: 02 Aug 2007, 18:32
by IZU069
I'm selling twin 45DCOE Webers with Bellett-GTR replica manifolds.
The DCOEs are tuned specifically for a G200W.
On a standard G200W with standard exhaust manifold, the about 26-inch 2-into-1 into a 2 inch exhaust, it increases from standard 135HP to 150HP.
But best is the torque. Mine was dyno tested (rear wheel) at 100kW and 383Nm (at 3,000 RPM!). IE:
2000 300 37
3000 383 56
4000 324 79
5000 320 98
6000 270 100

It goes with soft-mount kits, air filters (pods), ram tubes etc. My initial asking price is $1,000 for the lot (I've been meaning to advertise it for months!). The above setup is good for 220HP from a G200W with L1 cams, a port job, and pistons that do NOT self destruct at ~180HP.
I also have DOHC extractors to suit Gemini (~$300).

As for cabied DOHCs, yep - Bellett GTRs had carbs (Hitachi I think, similar to DCOEs) but these were 1600cc, also early DOHC Florians, and I think early 117s also had carbs (1600 & maybe 1800cc?).
All G200Ws were EFI.


Posted: 02 Aug 2007, 22:25
by Belly 1
Consider them sold. Ring me on 0249257036
Here is a pic of my HDT Gemini in the Southern Cross Rally