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Search found 47 matches
- 16 Apr 2007, 17:25
- Forum: For Sale
- Topic: FS: Rolling Shell and G180W (DOHC) Brisbane
- Replies: 0
- Views: 2912
- 13 Feb 2007, 18:07
- Forum: My Engine!
- Topic: Robbo's Twincam
- Replies: 8
- Views: 7967
Hehehe, well.... not a hell of a lot has happened since I last posted over a year ago!!! I actually got to a point of trying to start the engine, but it didn't... then for some reason the fuel pump won't turn on anymore, the computer doesn't seem to be sending the signal to the relay to turn on... C...
- 05 Feb 2006, 20:02
- Forum: The Engine
- Topic: G180W engine number
- Replies: 10
- Views: 9384
- 27 Jan 2006, 14:47
- Forum: The Engine
- Topic: G200 dizzy to Delco.
- Replies: 24
- Views: 28385
- 27 Jan 2006, 10:30
- Forum: The Engine
- Topic: G200 dizzy to Delco.
- Replies: 24
- Views: 28385
- 24 Jan 2006, 17:47
- Forum: Part Suppliers
- Topic: g200W VRS (Vale Regrind Set?) incl. head gasket
- Replies: 14
- Views: 20973
using a 2l head gasket on a 1.8l will cause the compression to drop slightly (I worked it out months ago, can't remember now, think it was around .25:1 so say you had 12:1 compression before, would drop to 11.75:1 compression) However, having a small gap there will quickly fill up with carbon deposi...
- 24 Jan 2006, 17:39
- Forum: Delco 1227808
- Topic: Your experiences
- Replies: 15
- Views: 18993
you'd need an intake air temp sensor, and a coolant temp sensor, also need efi fuel pump and all other efi gear required as a minimum. then the list goes up from there depending on if you want to run ignition, and how you run it... I also had to install a crank angle sensor... Plus do lots of wiring.
- 17 Jan 2006, 13:19
- Forum: Delco 1227808
- Topic: Your experiences
- Replies: 15
- Views: 18993
the downside of the mega squirt is that you either have to build it yourself, or pay someone else to build it (still, getting someone else to build it isn't a downside really, as it is still cheaper than others), and that it being able to be tuned in real-time it is defectable yes. Also, a sort of d...
- 17 Jan 2006, 09:56
- Forum: The Engine
- Topic: G200W injector timing
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3657
it has also been proved by various people (main one that comes to mind is creators of the megasquirt/efi332) that sequencial injection doesn't actually provide as much benefit as it would seem. This is mainly due to the fact that on a normal engine, at revs over idle, the amount of time to squirt fu...
- 16 Jan 2006, 10:35
- Forum: My Engine!
- Topic: Robbo's Twincam
- Replies: 8
- Views: 7967
did some wiring on the weekend. IAT, CLT, TPS, CAS all work I had previously bought some twin tower coil packs off an ecotec commodore but found out on the weekend that they require a seperate ignition module to fire as they draw 36amps to switch! I took them back to the wreckers to swap for coil pa...
- 12 Jan 2006, 17:39
- Forum: My Engine!
- Topic: Robbo's Twincam
- Replies: 8
- Views: 7967
- 12 Jan 2006, 12:22
- Forum: The Engine
- Topic: G200W cooling system
- Replies: 7
- Views: 7791
- 12 Jan 2006, 12:18
- Forum: The Engine
- Topic: G200W cooling system
- Replies: 7
- Views: 7791
- 12 Jan 2006, 10:37
- Forum: The Engine
- Topic: G200W cooling system
- Replies: 7
- Views: 7791
ah, water doesn't go through the throttle body... I'm assuming you are confusing the idle air control valve with something to do with water because it is mounted on the water inlet manifold... it is only bolted to that so it warms up with the engine coolant temperature, but it passes air into the th...
- 05 Jan 2006, 13:53
- Forum: Part Suppliers
- Topic: G200W distributor cap
- Replies: 5
- Views: 11136
- 05 Jan 2006, 13:46
- Forum: The Engine
- Topic: Requirement of fitting a CAT
- Replies: 20
- Views: 19104
- 04 Jan 2006, 12:50
- Forum: My Engine!
- Topic: My car
- Replies: 5
- Views: 5253
actually. its a lot easier to use the image hosting function from imageshack that poida has implemented into this forum... When you are adding a post/reply, at the bottom you will see an image hosting section with a text box and a browse button.... click browse, find the file on your computer, then ...
- 02 Jan 2006, 13:43
- Forum: Part Suppliers
- Topic: G161W & G180W pistons
- Replies: 11
- Views: 15965
gem gave me two mobs to talk to a while back about things for dohcs, such as piston rings. I haven't talked to them yet because the need hasn't arison, but give them a call if you'd like.... Gem sourced his total seal gapless rings from the first mob. APEP (Australian Precision Engine Parts) in Melb...
- 31 Dec 2005, 14:20
- Forum: The Engine
- Topic: G180W Head torque settings
- Replies: 6
- Views: 6376
- 31 Dec 2005, 14:16
- Forum: Part Suppliers
- Topic: G161W & G180W pistons
- Replies: 11
- Views: 15965
I can't remember in what way, but SOHC rings are 0.4mm different in some way... I found this by just doing a google on rings for the twincam or something, and found a catalogue for some company in japan that had different part numbers to the SOHC and DOHC and one of the measurements was different by...
- 30 Dec 2005, 16:26
- Forum: The Engine
- Topic: new throttlebody
- Replies: 7
- Views: 7827
- 30 Dec 2005, 12:03
- Forum: The Engine
- Topic: new throttlebody
- Replies: 7
- Views: 7827
since the size of the hole in the plenum is the wrong shape and size, rather than make an adapter plate by far the best choice is to bolt the tb directly to the plenum, and use a die grinder to make the hole in the plenum face match the tb size and shape. To mount the tb to the plenum you will proba...
- 30 Dec 2005, 09:50
- Forum: My Engine!
- Topic: Robbo's Twincam
- Replies: 8
- Views: 7967
- 30 Dec 2005, 09:49
- Forum: The Engine
- Topic: G180W Head torque settings
- Replies: 6
- Views: 6376
- 27 Dec 2005, 14:02
- Forum: The Engine
- Topic: ECU for G200W
- Replies: 25
- Views: 25502